The Banners Broker sign up process is quick, easy and straightforward.There are three ways that one can make money with Banners Broker- with the Advertising Account, the Publishing Account- and the unique AdPub Combo Account.
All you have to do is click on the Banners Broker Sign Up link
BannersBroker (BB) make money by renting advertising space on publisher sites to you, the members. When you buy a package of space from BB you will share in the profits they make.
Start with the Ad Pub Combo program- please see the red oblong below: Then Click on the green getting started button, half way down on the right hand side. This form then appears:
PLEASE NOTE: Please copy and make a note of your username and particularly your password as BB do not seem to send a confirmation email.
The user name is usually based around your name. It can not be changed in the future, so please make sure that it is memorable to you.
The password should be at least 12 characters long, with CAPITAL and lower case letters and numbers. Special characters are not recognised.
As such it makes sense to create the password in Notepad or a third party program and then copy and paste the password into BannersBroker.
The main plan here is that you use the money you make in BB to buy larger and larger quantities of web advertising space so that your profits up and up without you having to put in more and more and more new money!
Ad-Pub Combo stands for: ADvertising-PUBlishing COMBination package. It means you are buying publishing space, (advertising space that BB sell for you to make a profit) and they ALSO give you banner impressions for your own adverts to promote your own web business or off-line business.
You can purchase a small package at $25 or a larger one at $3655.
How BB sell you this publishing space comes in the form of “PANELS”. A PANEL represents the value of the space you bought across all the BB websites. There’s a $10, $30, $90, $270, $810 and the $2430 Panel. (You can grow your BB business to have as many panels as you want!) For example: if you have a $10 panel (yellow in colour) it will make you $20 back. A $270 (green) panel will make you $540.
If you need some help with building your online business then please click the button NOW: