Financial Times publishes Dyenamic Solutions’ Letter to the Editor

At the weekend the Financial Times published Dyenamic Solutions’ Letter to the Editor- UK graduates’ talents are being squandered:

Financial Times publishes Dyenamic Solutions' Letter to the Editor

Text Version to the Financial Times’s Editor

In case the reduced font is tricky to read below is also a copy of my email:

Britain’s investment woes

Dear Editor and J. Burn-Murdoch

John Burn-Murdoch’s excellent research into the incomes and roles of UK v US graduates (“Britain’s graduates are short-changed while America’s are rich” Opinion Data Points October 28) highlights the desperate need for a progressive plan for investment in the UK across many sectors.

UK students should be applauded for investing in and burdening themselves for self improvement. But the shocking macro environment to take advantage of these talents is not matched by our leadership at many levels.

A friend who is an NHS teaching Consultant recently asked a cohort of 10 new trainee doctors what their future employment aspirations are- fully 5 said “outside of the NHS”. Not only is this a huge waste of scarce NHS and educational resources but a failure by the establishment to regulate and channel investment in a productive manner to meet huge potential demands.

This demand is not limited to the NHS and education but all STEM organisations that need to urgently upscale our skill sets to be competitive on a global level.

Yours sincerely

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